Thursday, July 20, 2006

Kopitiam Basics Tutorial 2: Kopi

(replace Tutorial 1's "Teh" with "Kopi", and imagine the color of the drink to be darker...)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Kopitiam Basics Tutorial 1: Teh

Teh = tea with condensed milk
Teh Si (aka Teh C) = tea with evaporated milk and sugar
Teh O = tea without milk, with sugar

Siu Dai = less sweet
(less condensed milk for Teh, less sugar for Teh Si & Teh O)

Kah Dai = more sweet
(more condensed milk for Teh, more sugar for Teh Si & Teh O)

Kosong = no sugar
(only applicable to Teh Si or Teh O, because only these 2 have sugar added)

Gao = thick
(more tea, add less water)

Poh = thin
(less tea, add more water)

Peng = iced
(cold tea variants)

"Teh Si Siu Dai"
Tea with evaporated milk and sugar, but not so sweet

"Teh Gao"
Thicker tea

"Teh O Kosong"
Tea without milk and sugar

"Teh Peng"
Iced tea (not to be confused with ice lemon tea)

"Teh Si Kosong Peng"
Iced tea with evaporated milk but without sugar (usually the most confusing)