Sunday, November 26, 2006


Havent seen rain for a long time. So when we saw rain in office, everyone was excited, and stood at the window and have a look. The last time it rained here was in Feb or March. Heard that its raining everyday in singapore now. haha...
Anyway, the rain is not that a wonderful thing. It actually washes all the dirt in the air, and brings it down to earth. All the cars are covered with a thick layer of dirt, and we had to go for a car wash. It was a cold evening, with the cold wind blowing, and it was then we realise that winter is near.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Past Week

It has been a while since i had a post. Have been very busy lately at work cause of the exhibition Gitex. Flu and sorethroat came after the whole thing ended. I wouldn't say that life is that tough here. I've set my mind to come, so i'll put my heart into my work. Results are on the way, and i won't be back to sg anytime soon. Will be busy for the next few weeks ahead, after getting all the contacts and meeting many ppl last week. Hope that some big thing will work out. The first dollar revenue finally came, and hope the rest will flow in soon. And now to secure the other big fish...

Weather has finally turned cooling. Had a first taste of cold wind earlier with Ed and I sitting at the balcony having a drink. Reminds me of Japan, with the cooling wind blowing, holding a cup of hot tea. Nice... Have been driving with the windows down these few nights. Water at the beach is getting cold. So cold that Ed struggled getting into the water, and that deterred me from joining him. Ended up sitting on the chair, enjoying the last few weeks of hot sun. Until a 15 min game of beach soccer with dad and son pair got us totally exhausted...

Had a pleasant surprise yesterday morning when i woke up to see lots of msn messages, all from my old friends. Apparently Alvin has found a long lost friend from our QSTS days. Think they'll be meeting up soon, and i guess i'll be missing out on the fun again.

Seems that the sat morning jog will be temporarily cancelled. Anyway the pics on Alvin's blog were taken long time ago, but they sure brought back good memories of our weekly ritual.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I Miss You

Slightly over a month, and i miss you guys so much... esp you...


Stumbled upon a forum last week, set up by a group of Singaporeans working in the UAE, for us to interact and share info about this place. They organised a BBQ on Fri, and we went. Its nice to hear all the "lah", "lor" & "wah lao eh". We got to know each other, chit chat, makan, played some games, and talked about our experiences here. Some have been here for a long time, and some niewbies like me. And i even found an old school mate! The world is so small...